Wednesday 11 March 2015

Radio advert- codes and conventions

Radio adverts codes and conventions

  • A radio advert can range from 15 to 60 seconds but the average is around 30 seconds.
  • A radio advert tells you the qualities about the product and where you can get them from.
  • Aldo, a radio advert often contains a soundtrack, music bed or a ‘Jingle to make the advert a memorable wit h a voice over on top.
  • Often the voice over contains a women voice.

  • Contains a slogan of the products i.e Galaxy.
  • The language  use will be tailored to demographic. Depending on there target audiences and the selling product.
  • Original music is often used in a radio advert. Normally the voiceover will be upbeat and lively in order to attract attention and typically uses an English accent and will very clearly  in RP for audibility.
  •  The language use is very persuasive.

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