Wednesday 11 March 2015

Evaluation -My double interview spread

Double  Interview spread evaluation

The pictures that are represented along the top of the double spread intervire page, allows the reader to get an insight into the artists personality, it may out the reader at ease with the artist. It also show the fun side yet the serious side of the mode and the background knowledge of Brandons lifestlye in London. The artist name appears in the fonr zise 100 and the font style of ‘Lemon and Milk ‘ that it bold and eye cathching  this again draws the readers attention to that section because the name contrast against the white background as well as the black writing. All in all the audience will instantly know who this article is about just by reading the title of the interview page seeing as it is a summary of the artist. The arisit is not making full eye contact wit hthe audience, which will draw them int to the main image as a means of them wanting to know what is wrong with the artistic. However his pose could also suggest that he is not making eye contact to hide his identity a little bit seeing as he has done a full blown interview with the interviewer and is shying away from the camera. This could also show that he is a shy guy and is new to the limelight seeing as the male model is still in school whilst trying to juggle his current job as a fashion designer in England.

 The fact that this section of the text is in bold black writing, with a larger font, makes  it stand out more against the male models coat. The reason for this  is that I wanted to highlight the importance of the models quote that is  in the interview, the reason for this I because  I wanted the readers to be able t come across the quote of the model so that they are more interested in what he is going to say within the article.- it attracts the reader to the man source and the most important parts of the texts.

 The connotations of the colour red and white and black reflect the fire, sexiness and charism of the male model. Which may represent his personality. What the male is wearing  also shows  that he is fashionable by wearing British clothing labels such as ‘Supergroup’ and 'Arcadia' sources helps to attract our target audience of an C2DE audience seeing as the clothing is so mainstream as well as affordable  clothing for the audience. Also it allows  the audience  to be up to date with the latest trends fr the different seasons.

 The bold back front contrast with the white background that  allow it to stand out.  Also the subheading in the font 'Lemon/Milk' emphasizing the headings 'Northworthy' font.

 The casual surroundings make photos look more relaxed and relatable.
 Here I used drop a capital letter so that I could highlight were the interview begins. This is a conversation used magazine double spreads, as it helps the reader to navigate around the page. This also gives a clear understanding where the interview starts, preventing confusing for the readers.

 The use of slug s a common feature in a fashion editorial. This is presented at the top on the A4 interview page. This helps the layout of the page as it appears organized and structured this follows the conventions of a regional magazine. .’BRANDON RANA MCCARTHY’ is in a different colour to help indicate that we are getting ‘up and personal’ with the teenager and fresh talent fashion designer.

 The largest text on the page is the ‘interview’ titles this easily grabs the readers attention. It is also a different look to most interview pages as they would normally have their model or artist name appear on the image above their image. But I didn’t want to follow that same convention as an editorial magazine cover but to focus on the regional aspect side as by having a simple and relatable title sticks out to the reader more without over complicating things. It is also in a different font size and font from the rest of the interview as it helps to contrast with the background much better. Also the font of ‘interview’ helps to reflect the young and edgy feel of the youths of today’s generation, as it gives the audience an understanding that the interview will be edgy and fun.

 We have conventionally had the page numbers at the bottom corner of the page allowing helping easier navigation for the reader. We also have the magazine master-head name which is a convention of magazine that they are reading it also helps to, make the magazine memorable as well as catchy to the readers of teenagers. This helps to create brand value as well as respect and loyalty from the readers.

Here we have used a conventional pull quote that adds interest to the feature. This technique used in many magazine to catch the readers attentions as to what the content is about this is common in ‘Vogue’. The overall intention here was to make the features seem ambiguous, as we know that he is fresh talent that I starting a career in fashion therefore, the reader would want to find out more by reading the feature.

The main image on the interview page is different to the image on the front cover. This helps to make the artist seem versatile, unique and full of style, this is shown trough different camera angles. This is important as it makes the artist relatable  to our aimed target audience of teenagers tat live in the local area. The colour scheme of the image is continued on the front cover page layout, which is mainly made up of white and black. The white symbolises purity and safety of the local area that we live in showing the innocent teenagers in the magazine. This reflects the values and the incredible young talent. Our first stand out is unconventionally in the middle of my page layout, and is also unconventionally very short. This also helps make him look relatable my target audience of young adults and teenagers.

 The feature was an interview about fashion where I asked the fashion model on his career and how he is juggling schoolwork. The tag questions where in big bold font of ‘Lemon and milk’. This is important as I needed to make it clear to the audience as the text is in capital letters as it is able to communicate to the audience easier.

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