Thursday 23 April 2015

final Interview feedback the main task- Magazine.

 Interview feedback response.

This is a video feedback response from a teenager that has read are article and kindly gave her response and her opinions on the regional magazine. this helped a lot as it gave me ideas to improve my main task and interview page layout for next time if this is possible. This was a good idea to use a video response as it help add to me skills of be able to upload and produce different formats to present my coursework. All in all, the positive and negative feedback that I got from the regional magazine front cover was an enjoyable experience for me. One of the positive feedback from the video was that she liked the colours and how it represent the young feel of London's culture and that we were able to express this through the use of clothing and the font. However the downfall was that she thought the image of the model should of been a long shot so that she was able to see what the model was wearing instead of a close up of the model's face.

The video response of the magazine feedback is down below:

Evaluation questions 1 and 3

Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Whilst I was conducting my research for general ideas for my very own magazines. I decided to compare both the similar and the differences between the two. This ranged from the layout and how it was presented to its target audience. What I found different between the regional magazine from the fashion magazines was that it was dull boring and lifeless seeing as the colour scheme was very basic and that didn’t stand out against the master heading or the main cover image presented in the middle of the magazine. As well as the advertisement of the regional magazine lack creativity as they only included specific information on functions and events that the public can do for the following month; the main focus for the regional magazines target audience is the working class families.

However in contrast to the regional magazines I found that the fashion magazine was overly done and too colourful as the font cover was packed and filled with latest trends to diet tips. All in all I decided to merge both the fashion and regional concept together since my magazine is a fashion regional magazine I challenged the form of conventions for my editorial side to included interviews, conversations and questions that represent the community based in ‘London’. This ranged from reviews, interviews, education, activities and trips, Articles for local events in the area, articles that link to political ideas and local business and community link.                


For urban London I decided to display the title magazine across the whole of the top page. I feel that have chosen of font that I have chosen was interesting to see what style font would fit the regional magazine. Before the final outlook of the magazine cover I played around with a range of colours and formal layouts that would help make the magazine unique as well as stand out. By doing these test covers I found that by using the ‘Untied Kingdom’ colours

 Whilst I was researching regional and fashion magazines such as 'Local Ealing' and 'Vogue' was the ones that stood out the most. I analysed several regional magazine that have influence of the local areas around Ealing. I used red, blue and white and columns on my page. These colours were used on local Ealing magazines as I decided to challenge the forms and conventions of the typical regional magazines. Another example looked at was  time out magazine  the use of bold and edgy fonts helps to great a good effect which strongly stands out from other magazines on the shelves. My magazine is has similar font styling as the ‘Time out magazine’ seeing as it is strong and I feel as though it will help to represent the British cultural around London.

Secondly I then looked at the front cover of other regional magazine such as time out London and local Ealing magazines. the similarities from both my regional magazine and the local Ealing is that  boy the contents pages are bare and simple example white. This is because I wanted to follow the same conventions of a regional magazine that was simple and lay back but however I could change the background colour so that it would be intriguing and interesting for my target audience of young teenagers and young adults. this is because that they like bright and colourful products and my me not following this concept of bright background colours allows me to reflect on the information that is in the regional magazine which is far more appealing and interesting to read. on the other hand I think that the plain background works well with my magazines as the main focus of the interview page is white; to help me with this chose in colour I looked at fashion magazine 'ELLE UK' for inspiration, in my research I found that they malt had an A4 sized image of their primary focus which in this case was 'Rosie' who is a British model, the other A4 page consisted of a full article about the model and her goals for in the future this was highlighted with a clear background and the titles and subheadings being only three consists colours in the fashion editorial example red, white, black. This is the same with my own media product as I decided to use a different font for my interview layout page rather than having the same master heading font as the front cover, the reason for this was because I didn’t want the magazine to come across as competitive.



 I felt that the primary task was successful and I didn't want to alter it too much as I didn't want to ruin the outlook of my final product all together.

 I looked at a range of readings magazine but two stuck out the most which where time out London and around Ealing this is because they both targeting a specific area this to me naked it clear that I didn't want a massive dived in age or gender so I made sure My magazine consists of both male and females. All in all I decided to targeted London instead of one local area seeing as I wanted to have a broad audience rather then a niche one like around Ealing magazine. At the start of A2 coursework I was stuck on the idea of how to express London fashion through regional magazines so by looking at examples gave me ideas that helped me to see the difference between a niche and broad target audience.


I decided challenged the genre of a  I decided to challenge the conventions of a regional magazine by having a main and sub genre consisting of fashion and things to do in London as well as keeping to the stylish theme of making it relatable to my target audience of young adults and teenagers. Furthermore I continued to develop my media products by reflecting my regional magazine therefore I looked at billboards and radio advertisement examples for inspiration so that I would utilise the same codes and conventions. for my magazine I made sure that my main image was the main focus of the billboard as well as the title appearing bold and big across the page so that it would automatically engage my target audience. For my main cover I created headlines in relation to my London theme magazine this is seen around the magazine as well as promotions and competitions at the bottom of the page to attract my target audience. Also for my billboard u decided it was best if I added a slogan that is typical of fashion advertisement, usually there are short and simple therefore I made one that was easy and catchy for the audience to remember this was 'Bringing the urban to London' followed by an image of my male model 'Brandon' that would represent the urban clothing in London. Furthermore, when I searched radio adverts online they are normally 30 seconds long , my radio advert is 30 seconds long which follows the simple conventions of An advert this was then done with a voiceover advertising the products as well as an upbeat song playing in the background that helps represent the genre of London urban fashion. I decided to look at billboard advertisement for clothing companies that could help me express the same outlook as theirs, the one that stuck out the most was Calvin Klein due to the simplicity of a white back ground and big size fonts. This helped give me some inspiration for my own billboard as it made me thing of my target audience and how to go about expressing my London theme magazine.


Q3: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

 I decided to make a questionnaire for my project as I wanted to make sure that I fulfilled the needs of my target audience so that I would be able to make a successful magazine. what I have gathered from the questionnaire was that 83% of my target audience are between the ages of 16-18 which is easier for me to relate to. however the age range was niche and didn't allow for a wider range of views this bothered me so I generally thought It would be much better if I raised the age limit to 25 which would then make my targeted audience group 16-25. Also after looked back at the feedback results  I found that a lot of people did not read or purchase regional magazine, in there local areas this  made it much harder for me to know what I could put into the regional magazine. therefore I had to make sure that whatever I out into the regional magazine that it was interesting and caters to my audience so that they will read it.
furthermore, another key question that I decided to ask was there own opinion on if they were to read a regional magazine what content . This made me realise that in order for my magazine to succeed I had to find a way for the regional magazine to reflect the needs and the lifestyle according to the audiences response. during this I have found that  42% said they prefer to read a magazine which includes fashion and 50% entertainment   by looking at this I decided to combined both of these topics as it was the general favourites of the audience feedback. Moreover my audience prefer to shop in high street fashion stores rather than reto styled shops or designer clothes and most hold incomes earned £25000+, this meant that although regional magazine are normally free making my magazine my magazine £1.20 is still affordable and cheap for my target audience. all in all I decided to use the model  Brandon as he gave a cool,funky and masculine look that I thought would attract my audience seeing as it eye catching and captivating.




Friday 17 April 2015

Ancillary task- Radio Ad

Radio Ad

 In past research I have looked at radio adverts for my ancillary task,  I have decided to make sure that I have followed al the codes and conventions for my own radio ad. also I have found that different codes and conventions that are relevant to our specific target audience which will help me to record my radio advert.
From my research I have found certain codes and conventions that are typical of a radio advert. I have discovered that a conventional radio advert lasts up to anything of 15 seconds up to 60 seconds long. Therefore I am going to look at specific radio advert jingles that are relevant to my target audience. from watching  the codes and conventions of radio advertisement video I also four out that radio adverts typically have a voiceover that use a distinctive English accent with received pronunciation. by doing this research I have understood that it is very important to use a clear voice for our radio advert as it is very important for audibility and for attracting the audiences attention. form this research I have decided  that as a group we will record a voiceover for this advertisement as I feel that  it would be clearly understood as well as following the codes and conventions of a radio advert. This will also help with reliability purposes. In addition this I have found that most of the radio advertisement are scripted conversations, role play or a general voiceover about the product. down below I have attached our radio script that lists what the magazine has to offer to are target audience.

Radio advert script


Do you read a fashion magazine?

Or do you read a regional?


Well lucky for you, you can read a regional AND fashion magazine


We’ve got the new regional fashion magazine coming to London

It’s called Urban Chic London and it’s coming to you. NOW!


It features the top 10 fashion tips, exclusive interview and pictures with fashion model Brandon Rana Mccarthy and free coupon vouchers for your selected beauty products. Go down to your local store today and buy Urban chic London £1.20. 


Thursday 9 April 2015

Call sheet for photoshoot

Call sheet for photo shoot

Costume: Mainstream fashion  this will range from T-shirts, Jeans, Coats and Scarfs for both males and female.

The location:
At Brentside high school photography studio- this will take place in the darkroom where a white screen will be presented that will help with the blank focus when taking the photos. I will also be using a different location for the photo shoot that will be in the local communal areas of London. This will take place at Ealing Broadway. I will be using the studio space for two weeks just so that I have enough footage to select from this will again take place after school hours.

Lighting- Kept minimal and neutral for the photo shoot. This is for the studio photos. The background of the shoot is again kept to a white blank canvas so that the attention will not be lost from the models.

Camera: I will be using a cannon camera for the images as well as using a tripod so that I am able to produce steady images for my magazine front cover.
12:25pm- location Ealing- scout for models on the streets, this will be done until 1:25pm
3:00- set up the studio lighting and set ready for the models photo shoot.
3:15-wait for the models to arrive on set 
3:30-5:00pm- the models arrive-location school studio to take photos of the models 

Thursday 26 March 2015

My own regional magazine cover

My regional magazine

 I worked on the front cover magazine concept only own, to really grasp the whole regional magazine aspect for my own front cover. as a result to this i was inspired mostly by the 'Local Ealing' regional magazine as there contents layout although simply it had a clear structure that at the same time was good for my target audience. Secondly I then looked at the front cover of other regional magazine such as time out London and local ealing magazines. the similarities from both my regional magazine and the local ealing is that  boy the contents pages are bare and simple example white. This is because I wanted to follow the same conventions of a regional magazine that was simple and lay back but however I could change the background colour so that it would be ore intriguing and interesting for my target audience of young teenagers and young adults. this is because that they like bright and colourful products and my me not following this concept of bright background colours allows me to reflect on the information that is in the regional magazine which is far more appealing and interesting to read. on the other hand i think that the plain background works well with my magazines as the main focus of the interview page is white; to help me with this chose in colour I looked at fashion magazine 'ELLE UK' for inspiration, in my research i fund that they malt had an A4 sized image of there primary focus which in this case was 'Rosie' who is a British model, the other A4 page consisted of a full article about the model and her goals for in the future this was highlighted with a clear background and the titles and subheadings being only three consists colours ion the fashion editorial example red, white, black. this is the same with my own media product as

 I decided to use the same colours seeing as the colour of my images where in black and white so I felt that any other colour who  have contradicted the front cover as the stuck to simple plan colour scheme.                                                               

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Evaluation- My Billboard analysis


I have decided to make a billiard as we as a group are following the conventions of a fashion distribution publication. The colour pallet scheme in the contents is continuous  to the front cover layout where the title 'Urban London' has  the black and white effect to make the magazine again to appear  more masculine compared with other fashion magazine billboards. also the black and white colour scheme makes the billboard more sophisticated as it is not as brightly coloured , although down the bottom of the billboard  the subheadings appear in white font that contrast nicely with the black and white background and images. the pictures have been neatly been out on the page are lined up  neatly and are straight with a mirror effect of the male model Brandon. Also, the colour help to appear neutral meanings  this could attract a multi-sexual audience which widens the range of possible readers. I may have said that red appears more dramatic but the black helps it to appear simple and classy to our main targeted audience.

The pictures seem more suitable to a male audience as the men would not look dreamily attractive  to a female audience in contrast to Hazel Jones in my regional magazine her posture and facial gestures are playing up to the male gaze to attract the to the article and the magazine. the male model seems to appear laid back and cool, suggesting to the readers that the regional magazine has the same carefree attitudes as the male model on the billboard. This representation of the billboard helps to allow a sneak peek in to the articles seeing as the limited colours and information layer out on the billiard makes the readers want to know more about the London's fashion in are regional based magazine.  the background colour of the billboard does not contradict the image and font but compliments it as it is all done in black and white.

 The Tag line "bring the urban to London'  makes the readers want know what sort of designs are in the magazine and what makes it so different to the other regional based magazines. Also the the tag line appears to be catchy and memorable to our target audience so that it is embedded in to their heads. the catchy feel of the slogan also adds a finishing touch to the regional billboard making it appear professional. the tag line further empathises that the magazine is only regional based in certain parts of London.

 As a grop we took inspiration from Calvin Klein's fashion billboards, this is was a guide to help us achieve the same sophistication and classiness of there posters. in comparison to the fashion label brand we have managed to keep similar  ideas and the simple design element black and white. he font size of this piece is in font 'Lemon and Milk' that reflects the edgy and cool vibe of London's fashion, seeing as we are promoting the fashion in our regional area.

Friday 13 March 2015

Evaluation - Front cover analysis of my media product

Evaluation Final regional magazinev front cover (Analysis)

Evaluation part of Q4-
 This is my media regional magazine front cover, where I have followed some of the codes of conventions of the local Ealing and time out magazine. For example the red bold master head of my front cover is interesting, intriguing as well as eye catching to the reader. Also the red helps to suggest the London feel of Britain, as it resembles the colours of the union jack lag for the United Kingdom. Our target audience is aimed at the social class of C2DE seeing as it a free magazine as we again kept to the conventions of a regional magazine. The main cover of the magazine is of the main feature 'Brandon'. On the other hand the regional magazine price does not have to be high but a resinable price of £1:20 as this is a affordable price to be pay

Selling line
 This regional magazine uses the websites underneath very small so that I wont be so that it doesn’t take away from the master head of the magazine cover. This issue is dated ‘March 2015’ which relates to the bright colours used representing spring. also I used eye catching adjectives sun as 'wonder' as well as the phrase sneak peak to show the reader that this artist is of importance. to focus on the main features I phrase 'sneak peak' in big capital letters in order for me to draw the readers attention to the magazine cover as well as directing them to read one of our once in a life time interviews from inspiriting teenagers that live in the local areas of West London for example Ealing. 

A bright bold title is eye catching as it says ‘Sneak peak’ it may draw you in to what the article is saying. The colour’s used in the subtitle are bright to show the contrast to the white background. The subtitle is all in capitals which shoes that this I s the lead to the story this issue in March as it show the importance over the other articles on the front cover of this regional magazine. Also taking up most of the front cover.
 I have ale added the barcode as but not a price as normally regional and local magazine are free papers and magazine that are posted to your doors in the local area or are in shops and lib rays. the reason it is at the bottom is because I was following some of the simple conventions of a regional and fashion magazine. I put '10 and 5' in capitals to illustrates the facts and fashion styles for the readers to be interested to read all about it.
 The use of plus makes you feel like you are getting more out of your magazine as it appears to be another article in the magazine. It may also suggest that it grabs the reader’s attention as it is at the bottom on the page of the magazine.
Cover lines
  The reason why I used cover lines for my own regional magazine was because I wanted the audience to be able to see what is in the magazine before they read it, this makes them want to read on with the catchy phases and play on words for the readers. The cover line acts as a summary of what the magazine is editors feel are the most enticing features within the magazine.

Master heading:
 The name of the heading is in lard red font, the bright red stands out to the person looking at the front cover. The reader would notice the name as it Is the logo for the magazine. This is also allows the reader to recognize the magazine. The typography of the master heading is Lemon/milk as it is very powerful yet simple the colour is red therefore the target audience are manly Londers in the local areas.
 This regional magazine date is in small font as it is not important as the master head or the strapline for the magazine. However it is still very relevant because it informs you when the magazine is on sale until. The issue number is next to the strapline and is this is important to the reader because the magazine has a lot of previous issue of this magazine already as well as showing that this magazine is popular. It is positioned just below the master heading so you can see it but it is not as important.

 The use of the colour dark red suggests power in men and women. The white represents that magazine target audience, as well as it catching the reader’s attraction as it blends in with the cover image n the magazine. As his eyes appear very dark on the front cover so by adding the red bold master heading brightens up the  image so that Brandon appears lighter and much more presentable.

Brandon McCarthy’s facial expression is very powerful and strong. His body language and medium shot expresses his confidences and ride for the London urban fashion that he is showcasing through his clothing.  The clothing is serious and classic of a mainstream look in London as well as attracting the target audience, as they want to look like him.

The tagline is located at the very top of my magazine. This is very clearer as it allows the font cover to stand out amongst the other examples of my regional magazine. I wanted my master heading to stick out and appear bold and unique to the readers, as this will be the first thing consumers will see before they open the magazine.

Underneath the master heading is the companies website for the regional magazine which is following the conventions of both regional and fashion magazines, so that I can remind the audience that they can visit the online magazine for more information about what to do in London as well as keeping up to date with the fashion here in London.

The master heading is in bold and in red font this suggest that it is targeted at is aimed at a young teenage audience of 16-25 years of age. one of my biggest features in the regional magazine is of 'Brandon MCcarthy' for his interview the reason why it is in red and bold lettering is because I wanted it to be eye catching and easier for the readers to understand that it is an exclusive article to date. this also had the more experimental  with the layout as i only used three colours of which were red, black and white with the added use of punctuation to express our exaggeration if the article features this ranged from explanation marks , question marks and has tags that are a common features of teenagers today. therefore this makes it relatable to my target  audience of C2DE teenagers and young adults.

 This regional magazine uses a wide range of fronts and font sizes which helps to attract the readers t the magazine cover; as it show that the magazine has a variety of different articles inside that are related to London’s fashion week and London culture. It sticks to the same colour scheme of red, white and black but adds to the central point (Title) that is in bold font of Lemon/milk this makes it stand out.

Evaluation- Contents page

Contents evaluation

 These two images are linked to featured articles that are on page 9 to show this I decided to place the image away from easy other so that the page wouldn’t feel clutter and messy as I wanted my contents page to have a structure to the page therefore I followed the conventions of a regional magazine.

 I decided to add a feature were I advertised fashion styles and tips that may interest my main targeted audience who like to keep up with the latest fashion trends and are struggling on what to wear. Therefore I decided to advertise giving away free apps and tips this would instantly get the readers attentions.

 Here I displayed the fill list of what is shown in the magazine overall. As the biggest main features are displayed on the left hand side in a much smaller font  in black and red as I wanted to show of our most important  features in the magazine as it is important for the readers that are interested in the articles are able  what they are interested in reading and what they want to know about a particular article.
 I did not want to overload our contents page  so that  decided to  leave a lot of white space so that I wouldn’t overwhelm my target audience this also helps to draw attention to the main focus of the main featured articles. As I want the readers to look at particular article.

 At the left hand side as well as the right hand side, I have featured most of the main stories. I have displayed this in large titles that are presented in capital letters with red font to highlight the main features. This was separated into four, features, news, fashion and reviews as well as the page numbers being in bold. I displayed the tile of the story in capitals to attract attention; I also added a small description to give the readers a brief idea of what will be featured. Later I displayed the images and texts of simple and dark colour schemes as I fund that the red, white and black complemented each other. There is also a mixture of close ups and long shots to show variety. The biggest font on this page is the word ‘contents’. I wanted this to stand out an decided to put  it in red as it would stand out against the white background. I also used the same front for the front cover’ Urban London’ to show the continuation across the magazine, underneath I also displayed the magazines name and issue number as well as the barcode.

 On the right hand side is a main image of the biggest feature ‘Brandon McCarthy’ the reason for tis is that I want the readers to be interested in the main feature of the magazine as well as wanted them to know how to find the main article. At the left hand side to displayed text that goes across so that it will entice the audience. The word  ‘exclusive’ also shows that this is a once in a life time feature article also by putting the name in bold  and displaying it larger so that I would able to attract the audiences attention.

Target audience profile

Target audience profile

As an added task as a group we decided to work together and come up with what are target audience are going to be and how we were going to target theme to great a vision for the fashion based regional magazine. therefore together we wrote up the same structure and outlook that we both wanted for the magazine front cover as well as the contexts inside of the regional magazine. 
As a group we decided to research the theories for are targeted audience therefore we both worked together on this task to really focus on who are regional magazine would be relatable towards, which in the end we decided to both focus on teenagers together.

Extra analysis on regional magazines front cover

Regional magazines analysis

This regional magazine is a local magazine that is only based in the north, and covers the specific areas in that location. also the cover stories are written on the front cover of the marine in green and white front this gives a nature vibe to the front cover as it suggests that the regional magazines focus is on the nature and environment of there local area. At the right hand side of the regional  magazine it states how the magazine is layout inside and out. for example they tell out there feature cover stories as well as what actives and the benefits of the life in there local area. Therefore the information provided is only valued to people who are living in that area as it would not be useful if this was given to somebody that was living in Ealing or Greenford of the west London areas.

The main image of the regional magazine is of the river beside the town house (castle) this suggests the money and wealth of the local attraction in this local area seeing as it is the primary focus for the readers. this makes the reader intrigued and inane of the image and hat it represents. The colour scheme of this regional magazine it light pastel colour such as green, blue and white. This helps to suggest that the area of the regional paper is surrounded by nature.

The master heading is in big bold front in the colour black that allow it to stand out against the white simple background the colour black also suggests the dominate feel to the regional magazine. The subheading is underneath the master heading in the same front and colour but appears in lower case lettering than the heading being in capital letters. The main image on the regional magazine is of a man and women in a warm embrace in the middle of a traditional building. This shows the culture of the local area this magazine is disturbed to, also adding to this there is not cover lines, pugs or strapline on the magazine that instantly shows that it is a simply magazine. 

However the downfall of this magazine is that the reader is not able to know what features are highlighted in the regional magazine but having said that the regional magazine has a list of topics on the right hand side of the magazine that tells us the things that are in the magazine. Also the list of topics are in different light soft colours , this might indicate that inside of the regional magazine the colour on each page are related to the subject topic.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

The three codes for magazines

The three codes

THECHNICAL CODES- This includes camera techniques, depth of field, lighting and framing
Symbolic codes- this refers to settings, body language, clothing and colour
Written codes- this includes the language and the effect it would has on the audience.

The codes and the conventions determine the response of the viewer and the ay it is perceived. The codes are the equipment that has been used in order to produce the production, whereas the symbolic codes are the ways the production is portrayed and perceived to the reader of the regional magazine.

Questionaire analysis and results

Questionnaire analysis and data results

 This part of the pie chart  show how much people  read magazines that only half of people read it. this could be due to the content of the regional magazines features and because of the different lifestyles that all the teenagers  as they spend most of there time in education, leaving less time to read magazines during the week.
This survey as very helpful when contrasting this magazine, as it has given me a better understanding of what our target audience wanted from a fashion magazine. therefore i hope we can fulfil those needs, making 'Urban London a popular and established magazine. Gender  the results were important to us as we surveyed about 15 people in class.


83% of our target audience are aged between 16-25 this is massively important as I was able to see what they wanted most from a music magazine. On a whole, this was interviews from artist. As our magazine is aimed at young people, I thought 25 would be a more suitable age to stop my data collection. also when asked where they shopped the results where varied from retailed from a mainstream fashion this gave us inspiration as to what to feature for our own magazines seeing as the style everyone is going for is casual and simple attire. for example , Superdry and Primark are two big retailers in the UK that are the most common places that teenagers shop for clothes. this made is an obvious choice as to how we would dress the model for the regional inspired fashion magazine.

Later, they were asked the question what is there home income, even though it was a personal question it was still a very useful one as the audience i wanted to mainly target was on the working class and students therefore the target audience would not pay such a significant amount of money on magazines.
The gender results for this survey show that it was male dominated whereas the women where not. I could of asked more people to do my survey seeing as I only surveyed 12 people thus next time I will improve my research that will give me better and accrue results.

How often do you buy magazines?

This part of the chart shows that only  magazines and a massive significant
 this can be due to the general student lifestyles, as they spend most of their time in education, leaving less time to buy and read magazines during the week.
These results generally show that most of the students do not know much about what is inside of a regional magazine thus this allows me to real find a certain focus and topics that would satisfy my target audience that are again aimed at 16-24 years old. I will include things such as, fashion, beauty and top places to go for young adults. In conclusion to this question that we asked.

Radio advert- codes and conventions

Radio adverts codes and conventions

  • A radio advert can range from 15 to 60 seconds but the average is around 30 seconds.
  • A radio advert tells you the qualities about the product and where you can get them from.
  • Aldo, a radio advert often contains a soundtrack, music bed or a ‘Jingle to make the advert a memorable wit h a voice over on top.
  • Often the voice over contains a women voice.

  • Contains a slogan of the products i.e Galaxy.
  • The language  use will be tailored to demographic. Depending on there target audiences and the selling product.
  • Original music is often used in a radio advert. Normally the voiceover will be upbeat and lively in order to attract attention and typically uses an English accent and will very clearly  in RP for audibility.
  •  The language use is very persuasive.