Wednesday 18 February 2015

Action plan

February 18th
I will start my final piece by firstly undertaking some research into things that would benefit my main and ancillary tasks therefore develop successfully and effectively.
 I will do this looking into heavy research ideas that will inspire my regional magazine. I will gender theorist that will support my ideas and creations for my billboard and radio advert.
February 25th
Now I am really starting to think about my target audience and how I am going to convey this through my regional magazine. Furthermore, I set myself the task of producing a proposal for the regional magazine front cover that will cover what exactly I would want for the magazine.
The role that I will be taking is leadership seeing as I will come up with ideas and designs that will help better my regional magazine. I will do this through research of other regional magazine front covers. Now I should know who may target audience are by creating a questionnaire so that I can get a general idea what they find interesting in a magazine
March 14th
The structure magazine should be decided by this date, and also the Billboard and radio advert should all be decided too and also successfully finished at this stage. Also the colour scheme of the magazine should’ve been chosen and thought about and also the following should be set for photo shoot of the final images for my Billboard and magazine front cover.
This is a decision by me as I have to be certain colour scheme and target audience. The photos will be taken by me in the following locations: school studio, local areas of Ealing, Southall.
March 21st
All preparations should’ve been complete at this stage and should have decided on when I should take the photographs that would be suitable for schedules. I will also look at billboard ideas of how I can make it relatable to my audience.
This is the fix date for me to decide on the dates for the photos to be taken and will end up choosing which dates are most suitable for everyone (including the models). This will be edited in Photoshop and illustrator for the final outcome.
March 24th – 31st
On this date our film footage for the radio advert should be finished as well as all of the changes made to the film should be made to then go forward to the process of editing the clip.
Should be completed at a certain date. The radio advert will be done in adobe premiere and both billboard and main task will be edited through the software Illustrator and Photoshop
April 6th
This is where the editing should be started as it will give us time to edit everything into plan and take into consideration when everyone will be doing their own editing onto the film. Furthermore, we should’ve selected different dates for each other for the editing, as not everyone can edit on the same day due to their personal schedules.
This role will be a collaborative one as Taja and I will look at a range of music for the radio that will help reflect the magazine. Also Taja and I will both also focus on the editing of the radio advert this will be done in adobe premiere.
April 15th
Lastly, at this stage, the main task of the regional magazine should be complete and finished as well as the ancillary task of my Billboard. The editing of the  should be fully completed and finalized, with all of the sound and editing being completed to the best standard, to therefore be submitted to the teacher.
I will contribute to the finishing product to the outcome of my magazine and ancillary tasks.


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