Thursday 26 February 2015

Radio Advert- Codes and conventions

Radio Advert- Codes and conventions

A radio advert can range from 15 to 60 seconds but the average is around 30 seconds.
A radio advert tells you the qualities about the product and where you can get them from.
Aldo, a radio advert often contains a soundtrack, music bed or a ‘Jingle to make the advert a memorable wit h a voice over on top.
Often the voice over contains a women voice.
Contains a slogan of the products ie Galaxy.
The language  use will be tailored to demographic. Depending on there target audiences and the selling product.
Original music is often used in a radio advert. Normally the voiceover will be upbeat and lively in order to attract attention and typically uses an English accent and will very clearly  in RP for audibility.
 The language use is very persuasive.


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